La Marzocco

Home La Marzocco
La Marzocco is an iconic brand in the world of espresso .

Created in Florence , Italy in 1927, the espresso machine brand was a trailblazer in terms of design and technicality . In 1939, the engineers included a horizontal boiler which has since been installed in the majority of high end espresso machines . La Marzocco has been making its mark for decades by becoming the most famous brand in the world : countless bars , cafes , restaurants , coffee shops and other espresso bars have adopted these machines with recognisable lines such as the Linea Classic or the Strada .

At the request of baristas and lovers of speciality coffees, La Marzocco has developed versions adapted for domestic use. The specialist can now benefit from the La Marzocco's expertise and proudly let it be known.

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La Marzocco | Espresso machine spare parts
Filtre simple 2 tasses 58mm La Marzocco pour machine expresso semi-pro
  • Filtre deux tasses (appelé aussi panier deux tasses) La Marzocco compatible avec toutes les machines expresso semi-pro 58mm. L'avantage réputé du filtre deux tasses 'La Marzocco' est sa grande profondeur qui facilite le surdosage et l'extraction (jusqu'à 21g de café).
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