Coffee Makers

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Coffee Makers on MaxiCoffee

We have selected for you coffee makers suitable for all budgets and uses . Discover different models to meet each of your needs: Italian, piston, manual, etc. Several choices are possible! Also, we have several partner brands.

Our experts precisely detail each type of coffee maker according to your search criteria. Also, find all of our coffee makers on MaxiCoffee.

Which coffee maker to choose?

Are you looking for a coffee maker to enjoy coffee throughout your day, but you don't know which one to buy? Here is a quick summary of the different models we offer for sale.

The Moka Pot also called Italian Coffee Maker

As legendary as the espresso machine, the Moka Pot allows you to prepare a mocha coffee , a coffee midway between filter coffee and espresso . The heat source will allow the water to evaporate.

The expansion of the steam will then have the effect of increasing the pressure. This will then allow the water to rise and moisten the ground coffee in the compartment just above.

Still under the effect of the pressure, the water which has passed through the coffee continues to rise and is rejected at the level of the upper compartment.

French press or Cafetière

The French press coffee maker (also called French Press or Cafetière ) is highly appreciated by coffee lovers . It is very easy to use , you place your ground coffee then pour hot water at the right temperature directly on the ground coffee.

After checking your brewing time, gently press the plunger and serve a cup of coffee. MaxiCoffee offers a wide range of French press coffee makers from different brands: Bodum, Bialetti, Pylano, etc.

The filter coffee maker

There are two types. Combined with slow filtration, this type of coffee maker can meet different needs: In particular a relatively low budget issue and portability, especially for manual filter coffee makers.

Manual filter coffee maker

Also called soft method or slow coffee , manual filter coffee makers are very trendy. It reflects a way of life where you have to take the time to do things .

Very trendy on the other side of the Atlantic, they are booming thanks to their extraordinary result in cups. You will taste a soft and delicate cup of coffee with a unique aromatic power. Discover our Chemex coffee maker, dripper, etc...

The travel coffee maker

At the sea, in the mountains, on a walk in the forest or in the car, enjoy your favourite coffee everywhere. Travel coffee makers , are innovative, compact and transportable.

Other types of coffee makers

At MaxiCoffee we offer a maximum of choice: Thus also find the vacuum, Neapolitan or Turkish coffee makers !

How to choose your coffee filter?

Coffee filter by size

The important criteria characterizing the paper filter are shape and size, resistance, compatibility, efficiency and capacity. Coffee filters are made in different shapes and sizes to fit different holders. An electric filter coffee maker will not have the same filter as a Chemex coffee maker for example.

  • Size 1 corresponds to 1 cup
  • Size 2 fits 2-6 cups
  • Size 4 fits 8-12 cups
  • Size 6 fits 10-15 cups