Gimoka Dolce Gusto® pods Espresso Cremoso x 16

  • Compatible with Nescafe® Dolce Gusto®
  • 16 Capsules
  • Arabica/ Robusta Blend
  • Notes: Dried Fruits and Hazelnuts

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Discover these Dolce Gusto capsules Espresso Cremoso by Gimoka: a blend of Arabica and Robusta for an intense yet balanced espresso with rich aromatic flavours of dried fruits and hazelnuts. 16 Dolce Gusto compatible pods.

Dolce Gusto compatibles pods - Gimoka Espresso Cremoso: 

Intensite Strong Coffee
Appellation Blend 
Variete 70 % Arabica - 30 % Robusta
Type de torrefaction
roasted in
Pays de torrefaction  Italy

Discover Gimoka's Dolce Gusto compatible pods Cremoso

Discover this blend of 70% d'Arabica and 30% de Robusta for an intense cup with subtil aromas. Enjoy a balanced coffee with gourmet notes of dried fruits and hazelnuts.



Gimoka not only stands out for being Italian, but to offer snug, intense and challenging coffees, coffees that will not go unnoticed even the most discerning palate. From being a small artisanal family company from the town of Lecco, it quickly being a national and later global coffee empire. Gimoka provides high quality coffees, paying attention to sustainability, quality and safety standards, and is able to offer its excellent blends for all type of systems: ESE Coffee Pods, Nespresso® Compatible Capsules, Lavazza A Modo Mio® compatible Capsules, Nescafé Dolce Gusto Pods, etc)

Oquendo Mepiachi Dolce Gusto pods Lungo Espresso x 16 coffee pods
  • 16 Dolce Gusto compatible pods
  • For a balanced long coffee
  • Roasted in Spain

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Caffè Vergnano Italian Coffee Beans Espresso - 500g
  • Brazill, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Vietnam
  • Roasted in Italy
  • For Espresso, Cappuccino
  • 500g Coffee Beans

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Kimbo Coffee Beans Crema Intensa - 1kg
  • Arabica & Robusta Blend
  • Balanced coffee
  • Roasted in Italy
  • 1kg coffee beans

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Prix de comparaison : £16.50
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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Delta Cafés Coffee Beans Lote Chavena - 250g
  • 50% Arabica & 50% Robusta
  • Very Strong Coffee with Woody Notes
  • Roasted in Portugal
  • 250g Coffee Beans

Valentine's Day

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Prix de comparaison : £3.90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h