Illy Iperespresso capsules

HomeCoffeeGround coffee & Coffee pods Illy Iperespresso capsules
Illy iperespresso

Our Illy Iperespresso Pods

Illy Iperespresso coffee capsule revolutionise the world of coffee.
Protected by 5 international patents, the capsule is actually an extraction chamber that acts in two stages: hyperinfusion to bring out the coffee's body and aromas, emulsion to develop a dense and velvety lasting crema. Each Iperespresso capsule contains the perfect amount of Illy coffee needed to make a perfect espresso. Note that the aromas and flavours are kept fresh until the delicious moment when you take your first sip. Metodo Iperespresso capsules are only compatible with domestic Illy coffee machines ( such as X7.1 , Y1.1 Touch , Y5 , Y3 , X8 and Gaggia Iperespresso).

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