Rhino Coffee Gear graduated glass for espresso - 2,4oz / 70ml

  • ounces and millimetres
  • Thick glass with handle
  • 2 pouring spouts
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

This Rhino Coffee Gear graduated glass is made to measure up your single or double espresso (10 ml to 70 ml). Doses written in ounces and milliliters. With 2 pouring spouts and handle. Made of strong glass. 

Rhino Coffee Gear

Rhino Coffee Gear

As robust and reliable as its logo, the Rhino Coffee Gear brand is known for the quality of its Barista accessories. From tampers and milk jugs to thermometers and knock boxes, Rhino Coffee Gear (previously known as Rhinowares) knows the coffee profession and its particularities inside and out.

Rhino Coffee Gear graduated glass for espresso - 2,4oz / 70ml
Type of accessories Espresso accessories
EAN : 799439727960

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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h

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  • FREE delivery
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Sage the Dosing Funnel™ for Espresso Machines
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Prix de comparaison : 19€90
Prix de vente conseillé par la marque ou le fournisseur. En savoir plus
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  • In stock, dispatched within 48h