French Press

french press

Why choose a French Press?

The French Press (also called a coffee press, cafetière or coffee plunger) is a simple way to discover Slow Coffee (slow extraction method)
When used well, the French press delivers a mild coffee with much more aroma than the drip filter method. Discover a large range of French Press in different sizes, containers, colours and brands such as Bodum or Bialetti .

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What kind of coffee should you use for a French Press?

For best results, it is recommended to use coresely ground coffee beans. This will stop the grounds of coffee from passing through the mesh of your French Press and ending up in your cup. We recommend grinding your own beans with a coffee grinder right before manually brewing your coffee. You can buy pre ground coffee beans however you'll not have the same freshness as grinding your own beans .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the French Press?

The advantage of the French Press manual brewing technique is that it is quick and easy to use. It is not only quick but also does not require many components such as a paper filter wich can absorb the aromatic oils from the coffee beans . The built-in mesh filter , usually made of stainless steel does all the work for you

Additionally, you also have full control over the infusion time and water temperature that you boil separately using the method of your choice, like a kettle for example.

All this makes for a harmonious diffusion of the coffee aromas that you may not find with other brewing methods .

Now for some drawbacks . For some people, the fact that you need coarsely ground coffee beans may be a limiting factor, as you cannot find this grind size in supermarkets. Most shops usually sell finely ground coffee , which can work but tends to block the mesh filter.

The French Press filter screen , usally made of stainless steel, is not as efficient as a paper filter, this means that you'll more often than not have a small deposit of coffee grounds at the bottom of your cup. However, with the right brewing technique this can be avoided to some extent.

Finally, another detail to take into account, is that if left in the press pot , your coffee will continue brewing . This means that you either have to serve it immediately following preparation or pour it into another container.

Pro-tip for French Press:

For the very best results with your cup of hot coffee , consider using filtered water , grinding your coffee immediately before infusion and pouring warm water into your cafetière in advance, in order to pre-heat it and therefore avoid any thermal shocks. Last but not least, do not allow your coffee to infuse for more than 4 minutes, or it will develop a bitter tast.

What coffee to water ratio to use?

In order to make coffee like a real barista, we suggest a more precise method that will give you a significantly better cup of coffee. To do so, we’ll be using a four-cup press pot (50 cl) and 30 g of coffee, aiming for a ratio of 83-84 g of coffee per litre of water . Don't forget to use coarse grinds and boiling water.